Wedding Dress and Performance Anxiety: How to Get Out of It? - Dream on destination wedding planner in Italy - Getting married in Italy wedding planner

Wedding Dress and Performance Anxiety: How to Get Out of It?

The choice of the wedding dress is one of the most anticipated and exciting moments when it comes to wedding preparations. Unfortunately, however, it often happens that we get overwhelmed by performance anxiety and shopping for the wedding dress turns into something stressful.

Will I look good with that dress?

Will my relatives like it?

Will it cost too much?

Don’t panic! First of all as a bride you must have one thing very clear, namely that it is YOUR dress, with which you will have to feel beautiful on the most beautiful day.

Having said that, let’s see together how to dispel any performance anxiety when purchasing the wedding dress:

Measurement, what a problem!

Any woman would like to walk down the aisle of the church as if she were a model on the red carpet. However, it should be remembered that the future husband waiting on the altar has chosen to marry you, not a model.

So don’t worry about looking like one of the brides you see in the catalogs, but choose a dress that enhances the strengths of your body and makes you feel good. As for the size, any atelier offers models of all sizes and is able to make small changes to the dresses in order to tailor them for the future bride.

You can therefore be sure to find the perfect dress for you!

The expectations of relatives and friends

Everyone will surely have an idea of ​​you as a bride and will want to accompany you during the shopping of the wedding dress to suggest their favorite. But the point is: how do you see yourself?

In fact, it could happen that to satisfy the expectations of your mother and friends, you would end up buying something that you may not like and that does not represent you that much.

The advice, when you go to choose the wedding dress, is to have someone accompany you (alone it’s not fun!), But to select only those two or three people who know your tastes well and who will be able to advise you in an objective way and disinterested.

How much does it cost?

Television programs in recent years have let through the message that the perfect wedding dress must necessarily be expensive. Nothing more wrong!

The first thing to do is determine how much you intend to spend, and then start looking around. The websites of many ateliers already show the prices of the various models, so you can already get an idea of ​​what to orient yourself.

There are dresses of all price ranges and it is not certain that the perfect one is necessarily the one that costs the most. The important thing is to choose something that you really like and makes you feel good about yourself.

In fact, you often try on clothes from the most famous brands with the tag with many zeros without finding the right one, which perhaps turns out to be the one that costs the least.

In short, there is no fixed rule: the perfect wedding dress is the one that will make you feel beautiful, despite it

  • the opinion of others
  • the beauty standards that are imposed on us
  • the price

If you choose it thinking about these things you will surely be beautiful for everyone!

If you are looking for inspiration on your wedding dress, follow our pinterest board or contact us.

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