Italian Wedding Menù

Italian Wedding Menù for your reception

Italian Wedding Menù is one of the most important details to pay attention to.

Italian Wedding Menù for your wedding may seem difficult for you to plan, we know that, you probably have never done anything like this.

Don’t worry, we have thought of this blog post, just to help you make this choice and see it as easy as possible (and also a lot of fun).

Italian Wedding Menù : let’s debunk the clichés.

We know very well that there are clichés that circulate outside Italy in reference to wedding menus.

Let’s find out which ones are false!

It is not true that Italian wedding banquets are necessarily exaggerated with more than 10 courses.

The menu is decided by the bride and groom so the number of courses is relative.

(It is true, however, that we like to eat and at weddings food is one of the most important aspects we like to take care of.)

Champagne is better than Italian wine…I say, it depends on personal taste.

It is true, however, that Italian wines have nothing to envy French wines so if you get a good selection of Italian wines recommended to you, your wedding banquet will be absolutely perfect.

In Italy, wedding banquets last entire days.
This is also not true; wedding receptions last according to the bride and groom’s choices.

Everything can be perfectly planned and follow a precise timeline.

Italian Wedding Menù : the quality of Italian cuisine.

Italy is famous all over the world for food. We take great care of everything related to food and have culinary traditions that are centuries old.

The advice we give you in choosing your wedding menu is to choose dishes and products typical of the region hosting your wedding.

This will guarantee you top quality products as they do not come from distant places.

Originality and variety in the choice of dishes.

Guaranteed financial savings because they are 0 km products (i.e., products processed and cooked without the cost of transporting and keeping food).

How to structure a wedding banquet.

It usually starts with a cocktail reception that is done by standing and moving around the wedding venue in freedom. A way for guests and the bride and groom to chat with each other and discover the venue.

The cocktail reception lasts about 1 hour.

Then we sit down at the table, where hors d’oeuvres are served, which is usually a single dish with 2 or 3 samples of typical products.

Then we move on to the first course which usually consists of 2 different tastes of pasta.

Next, a main course is served with a side dish.

Then sorbet is served.

We move to the fruit and dessert buffets.

Finally, the magic moment of the wedding cake.

Italian Wedding Menù : a guide to the different types of dishes.

Now let’s see what the individual dishes I just mentioned are.
Once you know what is meant by first course, main course and appetizer, building your perfect wedding manu will be really easy and fun!!!


Cocktails are offered to guests as they arrive at the reception venue. It is usually held standing and includes small samples of fine cheeses, dried fruits, chips, and anything else that is considered finger food.

It is usually served by waiters who walk around with trays between people.

Soft drinks, water, and wine or Italian sparkling wine are also served with the cocktail.


It is usually served at the table but can also be arranged by providing thematic islands where people take what they want.

These are samples of seasonal dishes such as bruschetta, mozzarella, salumi, etc.


Usually in Italy you cannot miss pasta at a wedding so you choose 2 different types of pasta and have 2 tastings.


This is the main course can be meat or fish or even vegetarian. It is the main course of the reception and usually you always opt for a dish typical of your host region.


These are specially cooked vegetables that accompany the main course.


Sorbet is an Italian specialty; it is a kind of ice cream that is used to prepare the palate to enjoy fruit and desserts.


They are the whole selection of typical desserts that are served with a beautiful buffet where each guest chooses whatever they want to taste.

Wedding cake.

A magical and very important moment is the closing act of the reception.
Italian master pastry chefs are truly unbeatable and you can design directly with them the kind of cake you want.

Italian Wedding Menù: how to find the perfect caterer.

Wedding venues in Italy usually offer 2 options: an in-house kitchen or an outside caterer.

In the case of the in-house kitchen you will see directly with them how to plan the wedding menu. They will give you a great selection of dishes to choose from.

In the case of the outside caterer usually the venues suggest the caterers they work most closely with or even have exclusive contracts with.

If they allow you to bring in any outside caterer, you’ll want to get support in choosing one from your wedding planner who knows the innermost secrets of all the vendors in the area where she works.

She will know how to advise you for the best according to your taste, needs and budget.

I’ll leave you with an important aid which is the catalog with the locations I have selected through years of experience.

When you find the perfect one for you, ask right away how they are organized for the wedding reception, get them to send you all the options they offer.

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