wedding location

Wedding location: not all are suitable!

Not all wedding locations are really suitable for hosting a wedding, especially if it is a destination wedding. Find out how to understand if what you find in your web search is suitable for you.

But when you read “Wedding Location” in the description of a hospitality facility on the web, is it really suitable for hosting weddings?

Sometimes not!

If I have shocked you with this statement, wait until you read what I have to tell you in this article.

I decided to talk about this topic, taking inspiration from something that happened to me a few weeks ago.

Get comfortable, this story could save you from a huge mistake.

When a wedding location is not a wedding location

A few weeks ago, I received an email requesting help from an Australian couple.

These guys asked me to help them plan their wedding in Italy, so far so good; then they wrote to me that they have already found and booked the place for their wedding.

I asked them to send me all the information about this wedding venue they found, to organize a site inspection and understand everything that needs to be done to organize this wedding to the best.

Unfortunately, I have to say that the place they sent me is not suitable for celebrating the wedding; there are no spaces, neither indoors or outdoors; that place is actually a place to stay and spend some time in peace, immersed in nature, but it is not a place for weddings.

There is no space to work for catering, no space in the garden or by the pool to accommodate guests.

This couple found a beautiful place on booking, but unfortunately it is not suitable for weddings.

The Booking platform, like so many platforms that help us find beautiful places to stay around the world, offers wonderful solutions , there you can really find an infinite variety of options, but before booking a place for the wedding, you really have to evaluate many many things; that’s why I always tell everyone not to book randomly and always rely on a professional.

 The solution we found for the wedding location

I won’t leave you in suspense, I’ll tell you how we’re solving this problem.

I talked to my couple, explaining to them the impossibility of celebrating the wedding at the place they booked, they understood the difficulties and we are working to solve them.

Since the place is already booked and is also beautiful, all the guests will stay there for the entire week in which the wedding is scheduled.

We are now evaluating wedding venues near this hospitality facility, to organize the wedding celebrations.

The good news is that in Italy, we certainly do not lack choices for wedding venues, now we just have to choose the most suitable one, for the couple.

We will arrange convenient tranferts for guests from the place where they are staying overnight to the wedding venue and back, so that there will be no inconvenience for guests.

 There is always a solution, but it is better to choose well from the beginning.

If you feel anxious thinking about how many difficulties there can be in organizing a wedding abroad, I feel like telling you to relax…with good professionals, every problem always finds the most suitable solution.

But if you want to prevent the wrong choice of the wedding venue, you will have to do 3 simple things:

  • Get a lot of information on how to organize a wedding in Italy, other people’s experiences will help you not to make (serious) mistakes. For this reason, I feel like I can help you and you can start reading from HERE.
  • Don’t make choices dictated by the impulse and enthusiasm of the moment, evaluate everything calmly.
  • Rely on professionals who can remove all possible mistakes, problems, inconveniences from your path. If you think that a professional figure can weigh on your budget, let me tell you that you are wrong. Their experience will save you time and money.

What to consider in a wedding location to ensure it’s a good fit.

If you’re in the process of searching for a wedding location for your wedding in Italy, I recommend taking some factors into consideration:

  1. The place where the venue you like is located. Check that it’s easily reachable by your guests and well-connected to major airports, train stations, etc.
  2. That it has enough space to accommodate a wedding, both for guests to be in adequate locations and for suppliers to unload and load the necessary materials (we’re talking about “technical areas” in this case).
  3. That it has adequate outdoor space (if you want to organize an outdoor wedding) but also indoor space that can accommodate your guests in case of rain, for example (in this case, we’re talking about what professionals call a “Plan B”).

 Wedding location: tips from the wedding planner

The wedding location is perhaps the most important choice you will find yourself considering. From the wedding venue, you build the whole wedding, including the costing.

My main advice is: evaluate everything very well, don’t leave anything to chance.

Precisely because it’s such an important choice, I recommend relying on a professional who can guide you and make their knowledge available to you.

His or her guidance will be invaluable to you and you will never have to run for cover to correct mistakes and predictable contingencies.

You’ll save a lot of time, a lot of money (your budget will thank you), and above all, a lot of stress.

Search online for places that make you dream, save them in a dedicated folder on your laptop, and talk to your wedding planner.

Together, you’ll find the most suitable solution, and there won’t be any problems or second thoughts.

My agency Dream On Wedding, could be a solution for you; I invite you to read about it here to learn more and consider the various options.

Now, to help you avoid mistakes in choosing a wedding location, I’m sharing with you the catalog I created for destination brides, precisely to help you find the best solution for you.

Download the catalog for free, and you’ll immediately have access to a carefully selected list of wedding venues suitable for hosting your wedding  and your guests.

See you soon,

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